November was a very busy Month with both Veterans Day and Thankgiving Holidays falling in the same month. December is here and the students are looking forward to a visit by Santa Claus. Santa's planned visit will be on Friday December 14th at Canyoncito's annual Christmas party. The School's semester is also coming to an end and the students are hard at work studying to make their final grades. Also coming to an end this month was the swimming lesson for the PE program. The student's advanced in their swimming ability and had fun while learning. Even though the swimming lessons are over, a new PE program will be taking its place. That will be ice skating. The students will be going over to the LA County ice rink to improve their skills on ice. Also started this month was the library program. All elementry students will be going to the LA County library where teacher and library staff will be teaching the students how to use the library. The staff at the library has been very good at letting the student know the in and outs of finding what is in our library.